Friday, January 31, 2014

10. 酸素の発見


10. The discovery of oxygen

In august of 1771, Joseph Priestley put a small brunch of min into a transparent closed space with a candle that burned out the air until it soon went out. After 27 days, he lit the extinguished candle again and it burned perfectly well in the air that previously would not support it. So Priestley proved that plants somehow change the composition of the air. In another celebrated experiment from 1772, Priestley kept a mouse in a jar of air until it collapsed. He found that a mouse kept with a plant would survive. These kinds of observations led Priestley to offer interesting theory that plants restore to the air whatever breathing animals and burning candles remove --- what was letter coin by Lavoisier oxygen.

9. 紫色のもと


9. The origin of purple dye

The color purple has often been regarded as a symbol of wealth and power. But the dye used to produce it. Did not have a elegant beginning. An ancient people, living a long coast of the Mediterranean Sea first discovered how to make the dye from Murex snails, small sea animals with hard shells. Unlike other snails. Murex snails give off a strong-smelling liquid, that changes color when it comes into contact with air and light. From this liquid, the people produced the purple dye. If we visit the places, where the dye was produced, we might still be able to see the shells of Murex snails. Let us hope, we cannot smell them. 

第4話 「気をラクにもって…」

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

8. 紳士服と婦人服でボタンが違う理由


8. Why the button is different in women's clothing and men's clothing

Western clothes have buttons on the right for men. This is convenient  the majority of men are right handed. It is easier for them to use the right hand when buttoning up. Why, then, do women's clothes have buttons on the left, even though most women are also right handed? Is this a kind of discrimination? In fact, there is a reason why women's buttons are on that side. In the past, buttons were quite expensive and only rich people could effort them. Women in such wealthy families had servants who dressed them. Therefore, to make it easier for the servants buttons were put on the left.  

7. 「熱い」か「辛い」か


7. Hot or spicy?

When english speaking people talk about hot food, are they saying the food is spicy like curry, or are they talking about its temperature as an hot coffee. These two difference of "hot", may seem confusing to Japanese students. But as a matter of fact, the word is the right one for describing the way the body response to spice and heat. As simple explanation would go something like this: when we eat or drink, the same nerves in the mouth react both spicy chemicals in the food and to a rise in temperature. The english expression, therefore, reflects this fact about the human body.

6. 本当のほほえみはと偽りのほほえみ


6. The true and false smiles

The smile may no longer be an effective way, to mask one's true feelings. Some psychologists have claimed that true smiles and false smiles use different muscles. For example, in the true smile, the muscles surrounding eyes tighten, while the cheek muscles pull the corners of the lips upward. On the other hand, in the false smile, the muscles between the eyebrows moves slightly, while the muscles around the mount pull the corners of the lips downward. If the psychologists' claim is proven to be true, perhaps people worry less about what they say, and more about which muscles to use when the smile.  



第1話 「努力してこそ凡人になれる」


  1. 思いの半分も答えてくれれば、御の字だと思っていた。
  2. テキもなかなかわかってきたじゃないか、とまんざらでもない気持ちだった。
  3. 私は人生に、腹八分目主義を貫いてきた。
  4. それ以上望むのは欲深すぎる。
  5. 70%, 60%, 50%だんだん大甘になってきた。
  6. お釣りがくるほどの大合格というわけである。
  7. コースの中においしい老舗を必ず組み込み、お昼をそこで舌鼓を打つのだ。
  8. 眠れなくなったり神経が過敏になった人.
  9. 五月の朝の新緑と薫風は、私の生活を貴族する。
  10. 染料して使うと面白い模様ができます。
  11. 彼女の考えは首尾一貫している。
  12. 神があなたを祝福してくらますように。(神の恵み

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

5. ジェスチャーの違い


5. Differences in gesture

Physical gestures may have different meanings in different cultures, and misunderstanding in these signals can sometimes be embarrassing. I once had an experience, which i have never forgotten. Some years ago, i took a small group of foreign students to Kyoto. I counted them with index finger, which is common in Japan. But one of them, became quiet and looked puzzled. When i asked him, what was the matter, he replied, "in my country, we count people with our eyes. We use our fingers to count pigs."

4. オオカミの子育て


4. The child rearing of wolf

Wolves has an interesting way of raising their young. When a female wolf is ready to give birth, she digs a hole. Within this hole, she has her babies. While she is taking care of these babies, other wolves bring her food. After they get a little older, the mother can leave them while she goes off to hunt with other members of the group. Then, instead of the mother, another female will stay behind to guard the young wolves. 

3. お茶の種類


3. Green Tea

Green tea has a long story in Japan and strong ties with Japanese culture. Because of this, one might think that green tea comes from plant unique to Japan. However, all tea no matter what its color or taste comes from same plant. Then what causes the differences in taste and color. They are, in fact, the result of different ways of growing the tea and treating it after it is picked. 

Essays 1 to 10

  1. Discipline transformed the child.
  2. Is alcohol, for instance, a food, a drug or a poison.
  3. A man of insight.
  4. He is in high spirits today.
  5. The formed a strong bond of friendship. 
  6. The land is highly cultivated with potatoes and onions.
  7. A nuclear power plant.
  8. This custom is quite peculiar to Japan.
  9. Go at once, otherwise you will be lost.
  10. in the cause of justice. 
  11. She goes off to hunt with other members.
  12. I can give you a lift home if you like.
  13. Breeding counts for more than birth.
  14. She turned and addressed me in French.
  15. This bill will have a great impact on our daily lives.
  16. He is undergoing surgery for heart problem.
  17. His opinions don't count.
  18. He has a very mild manner.
  19. He was puzzled about what to answer.
  20. I can't understand the psychology of adolescent
  21. It's a trivial matter.
  22. The are subtle differences between the two words.
  23. I felt faint with hunger.
  24. I missed the train. Kate gave me a ride, though.
  25. He had a prejudice agains women drivers.
  26. He poured a cup of tea for me.
  27. I cannot afford to buy a new car.
  28. I wish you both happiness and prosperity.
  29. I regarded your offer as joke.
  30. I like the Mediterranean Sea the best.
  31. Murex snails give off a strong-smelling liquid.
  32. I hope everything everything will turn out well in the end.
  33. She is consistent in her opinions.  
  34. She observed that he would surely win.
  35. He lit the extinguished candle again.
  36. Priestley kept a mouse in a jar of air until it collapsed.
  37. What was letter coin by Lavoisier oxygen.

2. drugの定義


2. The definition of "drug"

The word "drug" means anything that, even in small amounts, produces changes in the body, the mind or both. This definition, however, does not clearly separate drugs from what we usually think of as food. The difference between a drug and a poison is also unclear. All drugs become poisons in large amounts, and many poisons are useful drugs in carefully controlled amounts. Is alcohol, for instance, a food, a drug or a poison. It can be any of the three, depending on how we use it. 

1. ビタミンCの働き


Monday, January 27, 2014

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an important role in keeping us healthy. Most mammals produce it in their livers, so they never suffer from a lack of it. Curiously, however, some mammals, such as humans and apes, cannot do so. What happens when you lack this important vitamin? You might see blue-and-black marks on your skin.Your teeth could suffer too: the pink area around them become soft and bleed easily. There are just a couple of good reasons to eat plenty of fresh fruit.